随着城市居民对食品安全和环境保护的日益关注, 都市型有机种植业近年来得到了快速发展。明确都市型有机种植业发展现状、经济效益和环境影响, 对有机种植业可持续发展具有重要意义。本研究以北京市有机种植业(水果、蔬菜、薯类及薯芋类、坚果和谷物)为研究对象, 基于农场调研数据, 采用成本效益分析和生命周期评价(LCA)方法, 分别分析了有机作物生产的经济效益及其环境影响。本研究结果表明, 相比常规种植, 5种作物的有机种植降低了农作物的产量。不同作物之间的经济与环境表现存在较大差异。有机生产成本投入较高, 尽管有机种植增加了作物利润, 但是其成本利润率却低于其对应的常规对照。相比常规种植, 有机种植降低了环境影响水平(LCA标准化结果), 各作物的减少幅度依次为谷物>薯类及薯芋类>水果>蔬菜=坚果。考虑到粮食安全(常规种植与有机种植的产量差)、消费者负担能力(常规种植与有机种植的价格差)以及有机生产减少环境影响的幅度(常规种植与有机种植的LCA标准化结果差), 政府应对有机谷物生产加大补贴力度。北京市有机种植业仍具有较大发展潜力, 政府应针对有机农业制定相应补偿政策, 从而激励有机农业的进一步发展。
With growing concerns among urban residents about food safety and environmental protection, the urban organic farming sector has experienced rapid development in recent years. It is crucial to assess the current status, economic benefits, and environmental impacts of urban organic farming to ensure its sustainable growth. In this study, we analyzed the economic benefits and environmental impacts of organic crop production in Beijing suburb using farm survey data with cost-benefit analysis, and life cycle assessment (LCA). The study revealed that organic cultivation of five types of crops resulted in lower crop yields compared to conventional methods. Variations in economic and environmental performances were notable across different crop types. Although organic farming tended to increase crop profit due to higher price premium, the profit margin remained lower compared to conventional farming. Specifically, organic cultivation significantly reduced environmental impacts as indicated by the LCA standardized value, with the order of reductions observed in cereals > potatoes and tubers > fruits > vegetables = nuts. Given considerations of food security (yield differentials), consumer affordability (price premium), and environmental impact reductions (LCA standardized value), the study recommends increasing government subsidies for organic grains production. The development of organic farming in Beijing still has great potential, and the government should formulate corresponding compensation policies for organic agriculture to stimulate its further development.
图 1 研究区域与样本分布示意图
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the study area and sample distribution
图 2 有机种植系统的生命周期评价系统边界
Figure 2. Life Cycle Assessment system boundaries of organic cropping
图 3 2021年北京市不同作物类型有机种植总面积及总产量
Figure 3. Total area and yield of different organic crops in Beijing in 2021
图 4 2021年北京市不同作物生产成本及其构成
Figure 4. Production cost and its compositions of different crops in Beijing in 2021
图 5 2019—2021年北京市有机作物生产面积和产量变化趋势
Figure 5. Trends of organic crop area and yield in Beijing from 2019 to 2021
表 1 2021年北京市主要作物类型有机种植面积、产量及其占该作物有机和常规种植总量的比例
Table 1 Total areas and yields of major organic crops and their proportions to the total of the corresponding crop under organic and conventional cropping system in Beijing in 2021
有机作物类型Organic crop type种植面积 Planting area产量 Yield总面积
Total area (hm2)占比
Proportion (%)总产量
Total yield (t)占比
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网址: 京郊有机作物种植的经济效益与环境影响 https://www.trfsz.com/newsview114688.html
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