Abstract:An accurate health perception is the foundation for seeking and assessing well-being. The study systematically reviewed the concept of wellness, the dimensional model, and assessment methods, with the aims to enrich the theoretical system of health science in China, and guide the public to establish a comprehensive and sustainable concept of wellness, so as to promote the development of human wellness behaviors. The "Wellness" health model takes "physical wellness, emotional wellness, and spiritual wellness" as the core layer, " social wellness, occupational wellness, intellectual wellness, and financial wellness" as the intermediate layer, and "environmental wellness, and cultural wellness" as the outermost layer. The nine dimensions of the model are mutually complementary, interacting, and influencing each other. "Wellness" is measured primarily by subjective evaluations, supplemented by objective tests, and focuses on the core layer of the health model.
图 1 文献筛选流程图
图 2 “Wellness”健康维度模型
表 1 “Wellness”健康维度模型发展及演变
作者及年份 Wellness维度模型 Dunn (1959年)[4] 4-生理、认知、精神、社交 Ardell (1977年)[24] 4-身体、情绪、社交、精神 Lafferty (1979年)[20] 5-身体、情绪、精神、社交、智能 Hettler (1976年)[25] 6-身体、情绪、精神、社交、职业、智能 Roscoe (2009年)[3] 7-身体、精神、情绪、社交、智能、职业、环境 Thompson (2012年)[26] 8-身体健康、精神性、关系维护、自尊、自我意识与责任感、风险预防、持续性、医疗保健 Hoeger (2018年)[13]1 9-身体、情绪、精神、社交、智能、
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