首页 资讯 临床医学研究生心理压力影响因素及健康教育对策分析


来源:泰然健康网 时间:2024年12月02日 06:35




结果462名医学研究生中,有压力感知的311人(67.32%)。居住地为城镇的医学研究生压力感知高于农村和城市(P < 0.05),博二及以上年级有压力人数高于博一(P < 0.05)。研究生压力源由高到低依次为学习、环境、就业、经济、情感因素。有压力感知的311名医学研究生中,感受压力持续时间 < 6个月(短期)230人(73.95%),≥6个月(长期)81人(26.05%)。性别和压力源中学习、就业、情感和经济因素为压力感知时间的影响因素(P < 0.05~P < 0.01)。女生较男生更容易产生长期压力,压力源中情感和经济因素会增加长期压力的风险(P < 0.05~P < 0.01)。



ObjectiveTo understand the sources and influencing factors of psychological stress among clinical medical graduate students, and provide support for graduate students' mental health education.

MethodsA self-designed Graduate Psychological Stress Survey Questionnaire was used to investigate and analyze the current status and influencing factors of psychological stress among 462 clinical medical graduate students.

ResultsAmong the 462 medical graduate students, 311 students (67.32%) had stress perception.Medical graduate students who resided in cities and towns had a higher perception of stress than those in rural areas and cities (P < 0.05), and the number of people with stress in the second year and above of doctoral program was higher than that in the first year of doctoral program (P < 0.05).The sources of stress from high to low were as follows: learning, environment, employment, economy, and emotion factors.Among the 311 medical graduate students with stress perception, 230 students (73.95%) felt stress for less than 6 months (short-term) and 81 students (26.05%) felt stress for more than 6 months (long-term).Gender and stress sources including learning, employment, emotion, and economy factors were the influencing factors of perceived stress time (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01).Female students were more prone to long-term stress than male students, and emotion and economy factors of stress sources increased the risk of long-term stress (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01).

ConclusionsThe stress perception rate of medical graduates is relatively high, residence and grade are the influencing factors of stress perception, and gender, emotion and economy factors of stress sources are the influencing factors for the duration of stress.Teaching management departments should pay attention to students in senior grades and those who live in cities and towns, and also to the time periods when pressure is prone to occur such as entering higher education and employment, provide targeted psychological counseling to students, and cooperate with tutors and full-time head teachers to guide medical graduate students in handling the pressures and challenges of work and study actively.

表  1   研究生心理压力相关因素分析[n;百分率(%)]

项目 n 有压力 无压力 χ2 P 院校   A校 118 81(68.64) 37(31.36)   B校 158 104(65.82)) 54(34.18) 0.96 >0.05   C校 116 76(65.52) 40(34.48)   D校 70 50(66.67) 20(33.33) 专业   专业学位 344 230(66.86) 114(33.14) 0.13 >0.05   科学学位 118 81(68.64) 37(31.36) 性别   男 228 151(66.23) 77(33.77) 0.24 >0.05   女 234 160(68.38) 74(31.62) 是否为独生子女   是 185 121(65.41) 64(34.59) 0.51 >0.05   否 277 190(68.59) 87(31.41) 家庭居住地   城市 162 101(62.35) 61(37.65)6.19 < 0.05   城镇 111 85(76.58) 26(23.42)   农村 189 126(66.67) 63(33.33) 学历层次   硕士生 408 272(66.67) 136(33.33) 0.67 >0.05   博士生 54 39(72.22) 15(27.78) 硕士年级   研一 205 131(63.90) 74(36.10)1.85 >0.05   研二 114 77(67.54) 37(32.46)   研三 89 64(71.91) 25(28.09) 博士年级   博一 27 16(59.26) 11(40.74) 4.66 < 0.05   博二及以上 27 23(85.19) 4(14.81)

表  2   医学研究生心理压力持续时间相关因素分析[n;百分率(%)]

项目 n 压力持续时间短 压力持续时间长 χ2 P 独生子女   是 121 86(71.07) 35(28.93) 0.85 >0.05   否 190 144(75.79) 46(24.21) 家庭居住地   城市 101 75(74.26) 26(25.74)0.42 >0.05   城镇 84 64(76.19) 20(23.81)   农村 126 91(72.22) 35(27.78) 性别   男 151 102(67.54) 49(32.45) 6.25 < 0.05   女 160 128(80.00) 32(20.00) 环境因素   是 237 171(72.15) 66(27.85) 2.19 >0.05   否 74 59(79.73) 15(20.27) 学习因素   是 257 182(70.82) 75(29.18) 7.56 < 0.01   否 54 48(88.89) 6(11.11) 就业因素   是 193 135(69.95) 58(30.05) 4.24 < 0.05   否 118 95(80.51) 23(19.49) 情感因素   是 106 65(61.32) 41(38.68) 13.33 < 0.01   否 205 165(80.49) 40(19.51) 经济因素   是 147 90(61.22) 57(38.78) 23.46 < 0.01   否 164 140(85.37) 524(14.63)

表  3   医学研究生压力持续时间多因素logistic回归分析

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