时间:2024年12月04日 16:54
姓名:隋天一 性别:男英文名:Tianyi Sui人才称号:职称:副教授/博士生导师职务:专业:机械工程所在机构:先进陶瓷与加工技术教育部重点实验室个人主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tianyi_Sui2邮箱:suity@tju.edu.cn办公地点:天津大学北洋园校区37楼传真:022-27406951办公电话:022-27406951主要学历:2006.09-2010.07 哈尔滨工业大学 工学学士
2010.09-2012.07 哈尔滨工业大学 工学硕士
2012.09-2016.07 哈尔滨工业大学 工学博士主要学术经历:2013.09-2014.09 康奈尔大学 化学工程 公派联合培养
2016.09-2018.07 天津大学 机械工程 博士后主要研究方向:(1)航空航天新材料制造:开展陶瓷基复合材料等耐高温硬脆材料高效低损加工、装配装备及工艺研究;
(3)射频材料与器件制造:开展基于介质功能陶瓷的材料加工技术和微电子器件设计制造技术研究。主要讲授课程:研究生课程:Advanced Manufacturing Technology
本科生课程:工程图学 设计与建造 先进制造技术(英文)主要学术兼职:中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会青年工作委员会委员;中国刀协先进切削技术分会理事;三江航天外聘专家;中国仪表功能材料学会电子元器件关键材料与技术专委会高级会员;中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会会员;国家自然科学基金函评专家;美国化学学会会员;美国摩擦与润滑工程师学会会员;Viser出版社专家库机械工程专业委员会委员。
担任《ACS Applied materials & Interfaces》、《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》、《Tribology International》、《Wear》等期刊审稿人。主要学术成就:第19届全国磨粒技术学术会议优秀学术论文奖,首届先进陶瓷高峰论坛最佳论文奖。主要科研项目:(1)国家自然科学基金面上基金项目:宽温域二氧化硅纳米类流体温变诱导协同润滑行为研究,在研,主持;
(10)天津市自然科学基金:面向多工况氮化硅水润滑的功能化金属有机框架材料摩擦学特性研究,结题,主持。代表性论著:1.Bingrui Lv, Bin Lin*, Tianyi Sui*, Chunyan Liu, Crack extension mechanism and scratch stress field model of hard and brittle materials caused by curvature effect, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023 (一区,Top)
2.Quanwei Diao, Hongbo Zou, Xinyu Ren, Chunshen Wang, Yang Wang, Hongyu Li, Tianyi Sui, Bin Lin, Shuai Yan, A focused review on the tribological behavior of C/SiC composites: Present status and future prospects, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023 (一区,Top)
3.Helin Li, Bin Lin , Tianyi Sui, Liang Xu, Chen Zhang, Shuai Yan, Yang Wang, Xinquan Hao, Deyu Lou, IABC: An iteratively automatic machine learning boosted hand-eye calibration method for laser displacement sensor, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2023 (一区,Top)
4.Benyang Zhang, Tianyi Sui*, Bin Lin, Weizheng, Shipeng Li, Sheng Fang, Yun Huang, Yuqun Feng, Drilling process of Cf/SiC ceramic matrix composites: Cutting force modeling, machining quality and PCD tool wear analysis, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 304, 2022, 117566. (一区,Top)
5.Feifei Zhao, Bin Lin*, Yuanping He, Tianyi Sui*, Helin Li, Pengcheng Zhao, Curvature effect induced cutting stress field offset and its influence on the damage of hard and brittle materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 303, 2022, 117526. (一区,Top)
6.Feifei Zhao, Bin Lin, Yuanping He, Tianyi Sui*,Interference mechanism and damage accumulation in high-speed cross scratches on hard brittle materials,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,35(3), 2022:579-591. (一区,Top)
7.Lichao Li, Mei Ding, Bin Lin, Benyang Zhang, Yuhang Zhang, Tianyi Sui*, Influence of silica nanoparticles on running-in performance of aqueous lubricated Si3N4 ceramics, Tribology International, 159(106968) 2021:1-7 (一区,Top)
8.Bin Lin, Haoji Wang, Jinhua Wei, Tianyi Sui*, Diamond wheel grinding characteristics of 3D orthogonal quartz fiber reinforced silica ceramic matrix composite, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 34(5), 2021:404-414. (一区, Top)
9.Tianyi Sui, Lichao Li, Bin Lin, Yuhang Zhang, Benyang Zhang, Shuai Yan, Study on lubrication and friction reduction properties of ZIF-8 nanoparticles as Si3N4 ceramic water lubrication additives. Frontiers in Chemistry, 9, 2021:1-8. (二区)
10.Feifei Zhao, Bin Lin*, Yuanping He, Tianyi Sui*, Cross-point effect of high-speed cross scratch on hard brittle materials, Ceramics Inter, 47(7),2021: 9317-9324 (一区,top)
11.Bin Lin, Haoji Wang, Jinhua Wei, Wei Zheng, Yumeng Ma, Jigang Wang, Tianyi Sui*, Dry sliding tribological behavior of C/SiC under different load and speed, Ceramics Inter, 47(6), 2021: 8627-8633.(一区,Top)
12.Yuxiao Cui, Mei Ding, Tianyi Sui*, Wei Zheng, Guochao Qiao, Shuai Yan, Xibie Liu, Role of nanoparticle materials as water-based lubricant additives for ceramics, Tribology International, 142(105978), 2020: 1-7. (一区,Top)
13.Bin Lin, Jinhua Wei, Tianyi Sui*, Haoji Wang, Effects of the surface processing on the tribological performance of C/SiCs under dry friction, Scientific Reports, 10(1), 2020:1-7.(三区)
14.Bin Lin, Mei Ding, Tianyi Sui*, Yuxiao Cui, Shuai Yan, Xibei Liu, Excellent Water Lubrication Additives for Silicon Nitride to Achieve Superlubricity under Extreme Conditions, Langmuir, 35(46), 2019: 14861-14869.(二区,top)
15.Zhichao Yang, Lida Zhu, Bin Lin, Guixiang Zhang, Chenbing Ni, Tianyi Sui, The grinding force modeling and experimental study of ZrO2 ceramic materials in ultrasonic vibration assisted grinding, Ceramics International, 45(7), 2019: 8873-8889.(一区,Top)
16.Tianyi Sui, Mei Ding, Chunhui Ji, etc. Dispersibility and rheological behavior of functionalized silica nanoparticles as lubricant additives, Ceramics International, 44(15), 2018: 18438-18443.(一区,top)
17.Mei Ding, Bin Lin, Tianyi Sui*, Shuai Yan, Anying Wang. The Excellent Anti-wear and Friction Reduction Properties of Silica Nanoparticles as Ceramic Water Lubrication Additives. Ceramics International, 44(12), 2018: 14901-14906. (一区,top)
18.Tianyi Sui, Yuxiao Cui*, Bin Lin, Dawei Zhang, Influence of nanosecond laser processed surface textures on the tribological characteristics of diamond films sliding against zirconia bioceramic, Ceramics International, 44(18), 2018: 23137-23144.(一区,top)
19.Bin Lin, Jingguo Zhou, Jinhua Wei, Haoji Wang and Tianyi Sui, Investigation of grinding force and process optimization of woven ceramic matrix composites, Ceramic Materials - Present and Future, 2023. IntechOPen. (专著)
20.Tianyi Sui, Nano Lubricant Additives, Progress in Lubrication and Nano-and Biotribology, 2021. CRC Press. (专著)
2010.09-2012.07 哈尔滨工业大学 工学硕士
2012.09-2016.07 哈尔滨工业大学 工学博士主要学术经历:2013.09-2014.09 康奈尔大学 化学工程 公派联合培养
2016.09-2018.07 天津大学 机械工程 博士后主要研究方向:(1)航空航天新材料制造:开展陶瓷基复合材料等耐高温硬脆材料高效低损加工、装配装备及工艺研究;
(3)射频材料与器件制造:开展基于介质功能陶瓷的材料加工技术和微电子器件设计制造技术研究。主要讲授课程:研究生课程:Advanced Manufacturing Technology
本科生课程:工程图学 设计与建造 先进制造技术(英文)主要学术兼职:中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会青年工作委员会委员;中国刀协先进切削技术分会理事;三江航天外聘专家;中国仪表功能材料学会电子元器件关键材料与技术专委会高级会员;中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会会员;国家自然科学基金函评专家;美国化学学会会员;美国摩擦与润滑工程师学会会员;Viser出版社专家库机械工程专业委员会委员。
担任《ACS Applied materials & Interfaces》、《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》、《Tribology International》、《Wear》等期刊审稿人。主要学术成就:第19届全国磨粒技术学术会议优秀学术论文奖,首届先进陶瓷高峰论坛最佳论文奖。主要科研项目:(1)国家自然科学基金面上基金项目:宽温域二氧化硅纳米类流体温变诱导协同润滑行为研究,在研,主持;
(10)天津市自然科学基金:面向多工况氮化硅水润滑的功能化金属有机框架材料摩擦学特性研究,结题,主持。代表性论著:1.Bingrui Lv, Bin Lin*, Tianyi Sui*, Chunyan Liu, Crack extension mechanism and scratch stress field model of hard and brittle materials caused by curvature effect, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023 (一区,Top)
2.Quanwei Diao, Hongbo Zou, Xinyu Ren, Chunshen Wang, Yang Wang, Hongyu Li, Tianyi Sui, Bin Lin, Shuai Yan, A focused review on the tribological behavior of C/SiC composites: Present status and future prospects, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023 (一区,Top)
3.Helin Li, Bin Lin , Tianyi Sui, Liang Xu, Chen Zhang, Shuai Yan, Yang Wang, Xinquan Hao, Deyu Lou, IABC: An iteratively automatic machine learning boosted hand-eye calibration method for laser displacement sensor, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2023 (一区,Top)
4.Benyang Zhang, Tianyi Sui*, Bin Lin, Weizheng, Shipeng Li, Sheng Fang, Yun Huang, Yuqun Feng, Drilling process of Cf/SiC ceramic matrix composites: Cutting force modeling, machining quality and PCD tool wear analysis, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 304, 2022, 117566. (一区,Top)
5.Feifei Zhao, Bin Lin*, Yuanping He, Tianyi Sui*, Helin Li, Pengcheng Zhao, Curvature effect induced cutting stress field offset and its influence on the damage of hard and brittle materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 303, 2022, 117526. (一区,Top)
6.Feifei Zhao, Bin Lin, Yuanping He, Tianyi Sui*,Interference mechanism and damage accumulation in high-speed cross scratches on hard brittle materials,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,35(3), 2022:579-591. (一区,Top)
7.Lichao Li, Mei Ding, Bin Lin, Benyang Zhang, Yuhang Zhang, Tianyi Sui*, Influence of silica nanoparticles on running-in performance of aqueous lubricated Si3N4 ceramics, Tribology International, 159(106968) 2021:1-7 (一区,Top)
8.Bin Lin, Haoji Wang, Jinhua Wei, Tianyi Sui*, Diamond wheel grinding characteristics of 3D orthogonal quartz fiber reinforced silica ceramic matrix composite, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 34(5), 2021:404-414. (一区, Top)
9.Tianyi Sui, Lichao Li, Bin Lin, Yuhang Zhang, Benyang Zhang, Shuai Yan, Study on lubrication and friction reduction properties of ZIF-8 nanoparticles as Si3N4 ceramic water lubrication additives. Frontiers in Chemistry, 9, 2021:1-8. (二区)
10.Feifei Zhao, Bin Lin*, Yuanping He, Tianyi Sui*, Cross-point effect of high-speed cross scratch on hard brittle materials, Ceramics Inter, 47(7),2021: 9317-9324 (一区,top)
11.Bin Lin, Haoji Wang, Jinhua Wei, Wei Zheng, Yumeng Ma, Jigang Wang, Tianyi Sui*, Dry sliding tribological behavior of C/SiC under different load and speed, Ceramics Inter, 47(6), 2021: 8627-8633.(一区,Top)
12.Yuxiao Cui, Mei Ding, Tianyi Sui*, Wei Zheng, Guochao Qiao, Shuai Yan, Xibie Liu, Role of nanoparticle materials as water-based lubricant additives for ceramics, Tribology International, 142(105978), 2020: 1-7. (一区,Top)
13.Bin Lin, Jinhua Wei, Tianyi Sui*, Haoji Wang, Effects of the surface processing on the tribological performance of C/SiCs under dry friction, Scientific Reports, 10(1), 2020:1-7.(三区)
14.Bin Lin, Mei Ding, Tianyi Sui*, Yuxiao Cui, Shuai Yan, Xibei Liu, Excellent Water Lubrication Additives for Silicon Nitride to Achieve Superlubricity under Extreme Conditions, Langmuir, 35(46), 2019: 14861-14869.(二区,top)
15.Zhichao Yang, Lida Zhu, Bin Lin, Guixiang Zhang, Chenbing Ni, Tianyi Sui, The grinding force modeling and experimental study of ZrO2 ceramic materials in ultrasonic vibration assisted grinding, Ceramics International, 45(7), 2019: 8873-8889.(一区,Top)
16.Tianyi Sui, Mei Ding, Chunhui Ji, etc. Dispersibility and rheological behavior of functionalized silica nanoparticles as lubricant additives, Ceramics International, 44(15), 2018: 18438-18443.(一区,top)
17.Mei Ding, Bin Lin, Tianyi Sui*, Shuai Yan, Anying Wang. The Excellent Anti-wear and Friction Reduction Properties of Silica Nanoparticles as Ceramic Water Lubrication Additives. Ceramics International, 44(12), 2018: 14901-14906. (一区,top)
18.Tianyi Sui, Yuxiao Cui*, Bin Lin, Dawei Zhang, Influence of nanosecond laser processed surface textures on the tribological characteristics of diamond films sliding against zirconia bioceramic, Ceramics International, 44(18), 2018: 23137-23144.(一区,top)
19.Bin Lin, Jingguo Zhou, Jinhua Wei, Haoji Wang and Tianyi Sui, Investigation of grinding force and process optimization of woven ceramic matrix composites, Ceramic Materials - Present and Future, 2023. IntechOPen. (专著)
20.Tianyi Sui, Nano Lubricant Additives, Progress in Lubrication and Nano-and Biotribology, 2021. CRC Press. (专著)
网址: 天津大学机械工程学院 https://www.trfsz.com/newsview264404.html
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