刘佳, 游川1, , , 刘军1, 邢娟2, 陈彤颖3, 席雪4, 彭燕梅5, 刘凤林3, 朱永霞6, 门磊(in Chinese)1. 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院北京妇幼保健院, 北京 100026;
2. 北京市西城区妇幼保健院, 北京 100054;
3. 北京市顺义区妇幼保健院, 北京 101311;
4. 北京市东城区妇幼保健院, 北京 100007;
5. 北京市怀柔区妇幼保健院, 北京 101400;
6. 北京市通州区妇幼保健院, 北京 101101;
7. 北京市房山区妇幼保健院, 北京 102488
计量 文章访问数: 0 HTML全文浏览量: 0 PDF下载量: 0 出版历程 收稿日期: 2020-07-29 网络出版日期: 2023-01-13Study on health education during pregnancy affects mothers’infant sleep care knowledge and behavior status
LIU Jia1, YOU Chuan1, , , LIU Jun1, XING Juan2, CHEN Tong Ying3, XI Xue4, PENG Yan Mei5, LIU Feng Lin3, ZHU Yong Xia6, MEN Lei(in Chinese)1. Beijing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100026, China;
2. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Xicheng District, Beijing 100054, China;
3. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Shunyi District, Beijing 101311, China;
4. Maternal and Child Health, Hospital of Dongcheng District, Beijing 100007, China;
5. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Huairou District, Beijing 101400, China;
6. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Tongzhou District, Beijing 101101, China;
7. Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Fangshan District, Beijing 102488, China
摘要: 目的 探讨孕期孕妇接受婴儿睡眠健康教育,对促进出生后婴儿睡眠质量的作用效果。方法 采用整群抽样方法,选取城区、近郊、远郊各两家有孕妇学校的妇幼保健机构,在2015年开展婴儿睡眠健康教育课程,2015年12月15日-2016年1月15日期间调查在以上机构进行健康体检的1月龄孩子家长1009人,采用自填式问卷,调查妈妈孕期上课及婴儿睡眠情况,用χ2检验进行分析。结果 将调查对象按照是否在孕期参加过孕妇学校睡眠课程分为孕期上课组、孕期未上课组两组人群,在妈妈学历、抚养方式、婴儿性别和产次方面比较,差异无统计学意义,说明两组具有可比性。家长在孕期参加过睡眠课程的,在产后被调查的时候,睡眠知识回答正确率43.8%,高于未上课组的正确率36.7%(P<0.05)。上课组记录婴儿睡眠(26.5%)、呼吸(35.7%)、大小便(70.0%)、奶量(61.0%)等发育细节方面,好于未上课组(17.7%、16.1%、20.0%、60.8%、50.4%、11.9%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。上课组在树立宝宝固定睡眠仪式(68.5%)、营造睡眠环境(52.1%)、调整适宜房间温度(80.8%)、在孩子动眼睡眠时能够正确处理(66.1%)方面,都好于未上课组(42.8%、41.7%、71.2%、58.9%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在睡眠问题方面,经常发生至少一种睡眠问题(入睡困难、睡眠节律紊乱、张口呼吸、打鼾)的比率,上课组11.9%,小于没有上课组19.4%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 孕期开展婴儿睡眠知识教育,可以有效提高家长的相关知识,树立婴儿睡眠健康行为,是提高出生后婴儿睡眠质量的有效方法。
Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of pregnant women receiving infant sleep health education during pregnancy on the promotion of infant sleep quality of infants after delivery. Method The research usingcluster sampling method, six maternal and child health care institutions from the central, suburban and outer suburbs were selected in the region. 1009 parents were surveyedwho visited outpatient clinic in the institutions during December 15, 2015 to January 15, 2016, where infant sleep health education courseswere provided in 2015,. A self-administered questionnaire on mother's classroom learning during pregnancy and infant's sleep status was completed, Chi-square analysis was applied. Result The survey subjects were divided into two groups according to whether they had participated in the sleep courses during pregnancy. There was no significant difference between the mothers' educational background, parenting style, infant gender and parity, indicating that the two groups were comparable. Parents who participated in sleep courses during pregnancy had a 43. 8% correct answer rate of sleep knowledge when they were investigated after delivery, which was higher than the correct rate as 36. 7% in the non-attendance group,P< 0. 05. The attendance group recorded infants' sleep(26. 5%), breathing(35. 7%), urine and feces(70. 0%), milk volume(61. 0%), and other developmental details, were better than non-attendance group(17. 7%, 16. 1%, 20. 0%, 60. 8%, 50. 4%, 11. 9% respectively), the differences were all significant(P< 0. 05). The attendance group is also better in establishing a fixed sleeping ritual for the baby(68. 5%), creating a sleeping environment(52. 1%), adjusting a suitable room temperature(80. 8%), and being able to handlecorrectly(66. 1%). 42. 8%,41. 7%, 71. 2%, 58. 9% in non-attendance group respectively, the differences were all significant(P< 0. 05). In terms of sleep problems, the rate of at least one sleep problem(difficulty falling asleep, sleep rhythm disturbance, mouth breathing, snoring)frequently occurred was 11. 9% in the attendance group, which was less than that(19. 4%) in the non-attendance group, and the difference was significant(P< 0. 05).Conclusion Sleep knowledge education during pregnancy can effectively improve relevant knowledge of parents and establish infant's sleep health behavior. It is an effective method to improve the sleep quality of infants after birth
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育婴知识大全 如何护理婴儿的健康
母婴健康 母婴健康护理的小知识
网址: 孕期健康教育影响母亲的婴儿睡眠照护知识和行为状况研究 https://www.trfsz.com/newsview34209.html
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