摘要: 近年来茶叶的需求增长迅速, 进一步促进了茶叶产业的快速发展, 茶叶种植、加工环节产生的茶废弃物的数量也随之大量增加。由于未能有效利用, 不仅造成了茶废弃资源的极大浪费, 而且增加了农村、农业生态环境的负荷。因而, 如何把茶产业中的固体废弃物进行资源化利用, 已成为当今乃至未来茶产业与环境研究领域中的一个不容忽视且亟待解决的重要课题。基于此, 本文综述了近年来茶产业固体废弃物资源化利用的最新研究进展, 重点阐述了茶废弃物在环境治理领域的应用, 以及茶废弃物资源化利用的技术途径与成效, 以期为有效解决茶产业发展进程中产生的大量固体废弃物所导致的环境污染问题, 为“化废为宝”提供理论基础和科学依据。
Abstract: Recent years, the rapid growth of tea demand further promote the rapid development of tea industry.The solids waste which produced by tea cultivation and processing is also increasing.This not only causes the tea industry tremendous waste of resources, but also brings some pressure and burden to agricultural ecological environment.Therefore, how to utilize the solids waste becomes to be addressed, or not to be ignored significant research study in tea industry and environment area in future.Then, This paper reviews the latest research progress of the solid wastes resource in tea industry, exploring the status of the solid waste reuse and focusing on the application in the environmental field.Aiming to effectively solve the environmental pollution caused by the numerous solid wastes and provide a theoretical basis of the solid wastes reuse in tea industry.
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网址: 茶废弃物资源化及其在环境治理中的应用研究进展 https://www.trfsz.com/newsview358336.html
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