摘要: 随着人们对大健康概念的认识加深,以及对身体健康重视度的增强,极大程度地促进了低血糖指数(GI)食品的发展,长期食用低GI食品对降低糖尿病患者餐后血糖水平、减少胰岛素需求、改善饱腹感有重要作用。综述了不同食品组分及加工方式对食品GI的影响,以及低GI食品的常见种类和开发现状,并对低GI食品发展存在的问题进行探讨,展望了低GI代餐食品的未来发展趋势。
Abstract: The foods with low-glycemic index(GI)has been greatly developed,along with the deepening of people's awareness of health and the enhancement of people's attention to physical health. The consumption of low-GI food with long term plays an important role in reducing postprandial blood glucose level,reducing insulin demand and improving satiety in diabetes patients. This paper reviewed the effects of different components and food processing methods on the GI of foods,as well as the research progress on type of production and development present situation for low-GI foods. The problems in the current production and the future development of low-GI foods were also discussed in this paper.
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网址: 低血糖指数食品的研究进展 https://www.trfsz.com/newsview438925.html
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