Nico Krisna Prio Utomo, Mohammat Gafur, Nunik Nurhidayatul Ma’rifah, Dwiki Ratna Putri, Cahya Tribagus Hidayat, Susi Wahyuning Asih
背景:孕产妇健康问题与孕妇密切相关,这也是造成目前孕产妇死亡率的主要原因,如果孕妇能够获得优质的产前保健服务,就可以预防孕产妇死亡。孕妇对产前保健知识的缺乏,导致孕妇对自身健康和腹中胎儿缺乏关爱。其中一项工作就是开展产前保健,以便监测妊娠情况,确保母亲和胎儿的健康。研究目的本研究旨在分析健康教育对 Jember 县 Karangpring 村孕妇产前保健知识的影响。研究方法该研究类型为准实验设计,采用一组前测和一组后测的设计。这项研究的对象是多达 17 名受访孕妇。结果结果显示,接受健康教育前,知识价值较低的有 10 人(58.8%),充足的有 5 人(29.4%);接受健康教育后,知识价值充足的有 10 人(58.8%),良好的有 7 人(41.2%)。配对 t 检验统计结果的显著值小于 0.05(p = 0.000 <0.05)。结论是健康教育对 Jember 县 Karangpring 村孕妇的产前保健知识有影响。
The Influence of Health Education on Knowledge of Antenatal Care in Pregnant Women in Rural Areas
Background: Maternal health problems are closely related to pregnant women, which contribute a lot to the current maternal mortality rate, maternal mortality can be prevented if pregnant women get good quality antenatal care services. Lack of knowledge of pregnant women about antenatal care results in a lack of care for pregnant women about their own health and the baby in their womb. One of the efforts that can be done is by conducting antenatal care so that it can monitor pregnancy and ensure the health of the mother and fetus. Objective: This study aims to analyze the effect of health education on knowledge of antenatal care for pregnant women in Karangpring Village, Jember Regency. Methods: This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with the one group pre and post-test design. This study was conducted on pregnant women as many as 17 respondents. Results: Shows the value of knowledge before being given health education in the less category of 10 people (58.8%) and the sufficient category of 5 people (29.4%) and after being given health education knowledge in the sufficient category 10 people (58.8%) and good category amounted to 7 people (41.2%). The results of the paired t-test statistic obtained a significant value less than 0.05 (p = 0.000 <0.05). Conclusion: There is an effect of health education on knowledge of antenatal care for pregnant women in Karangpring Village, Jember Regency.
医学论文:孕期健康教育对降低剖宫产率的影响.doc 全文免费在线看
卫生部 财政部关于印发《关于进一步加强农村孕产妇住院分娩工作的指导意见》 的通知 关于进一步加强农村孕产妇住院分娩工作的指导意见
网址: 健康教育对农村地区孕妇产前保健知识的影响
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