Yan-shang WANG, Tian-tian GU, Hai-chao CHU, . Effect of environmental condition on health of urban and rural residents in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2020, 36(9): 1264-1267. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1121658
Citation: Yan-shang WANG, Tian-tian GU, Hai-chao CHU, . Effect of environmental condition on health of urban and rural residents in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2020, 36(9): 1264-1267. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1121658
天津医科大学公共卫生学院,天津 300070
基金项目: 天津市哲学社会科学规划项目重点项目(TJKSZDWT1836)
作者简介:王延赏(1998 – ),男,河北人,本科在读,研究方向:公共卫生、卫生事业管理
中图分类号: R 126
计量 文章访问数: 01669 HTML全文浏览量: 01399 PDF下载量: 071 出版历程 收稿日期: 2018-10-18 网络出版日期: 2019-03-05 刊出日期: 2020-09-29Effect of environmental condition on health of urban and rural residents in China
School of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China
目的 探索我国居民健康水平与环境状况之间的关系,分析城乡居民所处环境状况对其健康的影响,为建设健康中国提供参考。
方法 将中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2013年数据作为研究资料,选取部分城市和农村居民作为研究对象,按其自评健康状况划分为不健康与健康群体,将健康水平作为因变量,利用二分类logistic回归分析环境状况(空气污染、水污染、噪声污染、生活垃圾污染、工业垃圾污染和绿地空间)、体育锻炼以及其他人口学信息对城乡居民健康水平的影响,并引入体育锻炼 × 绿地空间交互项建立模型以挖掘体育锻炼在绿地空间与健康水平间的调节作用。
结果 本研究最终纳入研究对象4 265名,其中城市居民2 609名(61.2 %),农村居民1 656名(38.8 %);单因素分析结果显示,城市居民健康水平明显高于农村居民;logistic回归结果显示,控制混杂因素后,在农村地区,水污染(OR = 1.469,95 % CI = 1.085~1.991)和工业垃圾污染(OR = 0.658,95 % CI = 0.438~0.990)显著影响居民健康水平;在城市地区,绿地空间是影响居民健康水平的重要因素(OR = 1.313,95 % CI = 1.075~1.604),体育锻炼在绿地空间与居民健康之间起着调节作用(OR = 1.607,95 % CI = 1.110~2.326)。
结论 城市绿地不足和农村严重水污染导致居民出现诸多健康问题,且农村居民对工业垃圾认知程度不足;相关部门应因地制宜改善环境状况,提高全民健康水平。
Objective To explore the relationship between the health status of residents and the environmental conditions and the impact of environmental conditions on the health of urban and rural residents for providing references to the construction of Healthy China.
Methods The data of the study were extracted from Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) conducted across China in 2013. We selected a part of urban and rural residents surveyed in CGSS and assigned them into a healthy and an unhealthy group according to their self-rated health status. Taking health level as a dependent variable, we adopted binary logistic regression analysis to assess the impact of environmental conditions (air, water, noise, domestic garbage, and industrial waste pollutions and green space), physical exercise, and demographic factors on the health of the residents. An interactive item of physical exercise plus green space was introduced into a regression model in the analyses to evaluate modification effect of physical exercise on the correlation between green space and health level of the residents.
Results Of the 4 265 residents included in the study, 2 609 (61.2%) and 1 656 (38.8%) were from urban and rural regions. Univariate analysis showed that the health level of the urban residents was significantly higher than that of rural residents. The results of logistic regression analysis demonstrated that after adjusting for confounders, water pollution (odds ratio [OR] = 1.469, 95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 1.085 – 1.991) and industrial waste pollution (OR = 0.658, 95% CI: 0.438 – 0.990) were significant impact factors for health of the residents in rural regions; while, green space (OR = 1.313, 95% CI: 1.075 – 1.604) was a significant impact factor for health of the residents in urban regions and physical exercise played a modification role on the correlation between green space and residents′ health (OR = 1.607, 95% CI: 1.110 – 2.326).
Conclusion Insufficient green space in urban regions and serious water pollution in rural regions have significant impact on residents′ health level and rural residents are lack of awareness on industrial waste. Environmental condition needs to be concerned by relevant agencies for promoting health of the residents.
表 1 城乡居民自评健康状况影响因素单因素分析
影响因素 农村(n = 1 656) χ2值 P值 城市(n = 2 609) χ2值 P值 不健康 健康 不健康 健康 空气污染 严重 98 213 1.158 0.282 401 1 025 4.339 0.037 不严重 467 878 377 806 水污染 严重 144 273 0.043 0.837 335 858 3.178 0.075 不严重 421 818 443 973 噪音污染 严重 69 168 3.082 0.079 345 834 0.320 0.572 不严重 496 923 433 997 工业垃圾污染 严重 58 167 8.058 0.005 257 706 7.157 0.007 不严重 507 924 521 1 125 生活垃圾污染 严重 124 303 6.602 0.010 337 836 1.210 0.271 不严重 441 788 441 995 绿地空间 不足 55 132 2.077 0.149 306 716 0.012 0.913 充裕 510 959 472 1 115 体育锻炼 缺乏 491 910 3.486 0.062 421 971 0.257 0.612 充足 74 181 357 860表 2 农村居民自评健康状况影响因素多因素分析
影响因素 参照组 B $S_{overline x}$ Wald χ2值 OR值 95 % CI 空气污染 不严重 严重 0.047 0.176 0.071 1.048 0.742~1.480 水污染 不严重 严重 0.385 0.155 6.173 1.469 a 1.085~1.991 噪音污染 不严重 严重 – 0.102 0.189 0.292 0.903 0.623~1.308 工业垃圾污染 不严重 严重 – 0.418 0.208 4.040 0.658 a 0.438~0.990 生活垃圾污染 不严重 严重 – 0.248 0.144 2.991 0.780 0.589~1.034 空间绿地 充足 不足 – 0.071 0.196 0.129 0.932 0.634~1.369 体育锻炼 充裕 缺乏 – 0.002 0.164 0.000 0.998 0.723~1.378 控制变量 性别 – 0.292 0.114 6.579 0.747 b 0.598~0.933 年龄 – 0.042 0.004 102.544 0.959 b 0.951~0.967 学历水平 0.166 0.131 1.600 1.180 0.913~1.525 收入 0.000 0.000 24.620 1.000 1.000~1.000 城市医疗保险/新农合/公费医疗 0.273 0.241 1.281 1.313 0.819~2.106 城市/农村基本养老保险 0.022 0.124 0.032 1.023 0.802~1.305 商业性医疗保险 0.188 0.416 0.204 1.206 0.534~2.724 常量 2.605 0.436 35.741 13.536 b 注:a P < 0.01;b P < 0.05。表 3 城市居民自评健康状况影响因素多因素分析
影响因素 参照组 B $S_{overline x}$ Wald χ2值 OR值 95 % CI 空气污染 不严重 严重 – 0.076 0.115 0.433 0.927 0.740~1.161 水污染 不严重 严重 0.006 0.113 0.003 1.006 0.805~1.256 噪音污染 不严重 严重 – 0.045 0.108 0.172 0.956 0.774~1.182 工业垃圾污染 不严重 严重 – 0.055 0.115 0.232 0.946 0.756~1.185 生活垃圾污染 不严重 严重 – 0.090 0.106 0.712 0.914 0.743~1.126 空间绿地 充足 不足 0.051 0.135 0.140 1.052 0.807~1.372 体育锻炼 充裕 缺乏 – 0.209 0.149 1.973 0.812 0.606~1.086 绿地空间 × 锻炼情况 充足 × 充裕 不足 × 缺乏 0.474 0.189 6.308 1.607 a 1.110~2.326 控制变量 性别 – 0.265 0.092 8.270 0.767 b 0.640~0.919 年龄 – 0.051 0.004 211.556 0.950 b 0.944~0.957 学历水平 – 0.009 0.063 0.019 0.991 0.875~1.123 收入 0.000 0.000 3.372 1.000 1.000~1.000 城市医疗保险/新农合/公费医疗 – 0.230 0.170 1.825 0.795 0.570~1.109 城市/农村基本养老保险 0.552 0.131 17.709 1.738 b 1.343~2.247 商业性医疗保险 0.091 0.178 0.260 1.095 0.773~1.551 常量 3.468 0.283 149.689 32.060 b 注:a P < 0.01;b P < 0.05。参考文献(23)
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计量 文章访问数: HTML全文浏览量: PDF下载量: 出版历程 收稿日期: 2018-10-18 网络出版日期: 2019-03-05 刊出日期: 2020-09-29目录
生态环境部公布2022年我国居民环境健康素养监测结果 居民环境健康素养水平4年提升50.4%——中国青年网
毛群安:城乡人居环境不断优化 人群健康水平大幅提高
网址: 环境状况对我国城乡居民健康水平影响 https://www.trfsz.com/newsview506405.html
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