肩关节 保持健康的 360° 主动旋转锻炼的要领:适合日常无肩痛的朋友
我是 Andreo Pina 博士,我们就读于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的荣誉学院。
1. 双臂自然下垂,手掌展开,拇指向前,掌心朝向身体;
2. 拇指向上,右上肢向上举起,至最大范围(如视频中与身体长轴成一条直线);
3. 180度旋转手臂和手掌(掌心由向内旋转至向外),右上肢落下,并在此过程中再次将手臂和手掌旋转180度(掌心由向外旋转至向内);
4. 如果你选择靠墙锻炼时,在锻炼过程中,你应该可以擦拭到身体接触的整个墙面;
5. 你可以考虑每天早晨从10下开始练起。
I am Dr Andreo Pina, we are at the honored academy in Austin Texas.
I am here with Cameron, and today we are discussing how to maintain healthy joints.
If you look at the research, one thing that is clear that the only way that you can maintain your joints through time and keep them healthy is by constant movement, the more you move, the more your joints receive nutrients from the blood, the more the cartilage maintains its composure and its integrity, and the healthier your joints are.
So, with my clients one thing I recommend is what we call a morning routine, where they get up and they sequentially go through every one of their joints, and they move those joints to their maximum, and range of motion in a rotational fashion, it is something called a controlled articular rotation.
So, I am going to show you the controlled articular rotation for the glenohumeral joint or the shoulder joint on camera here.
So, I get it to just face that way, so, what we are going to do with the thumb facing forward I want him to solidify the rest of his body so I want him to kind of tense up this whole body so that all of the motion comes out of that shoulder joint specifically. So from here thumb facing forward I am going to get him to come up into forward flexion and as he raises up into forward flexion, it is going to be a spot right in about there where it becomes difficult to any further, at that spot I am going to get him to try to reach up and then we are going to actually rotate that shoulder and we are going to try to drop down staying in the same movement line all the way down until the hip or until the arm meets back at the hip. So we are trying to do it from here, we go up as high as we can, as soon as we get to our highest point. Actually rotate and then we are going to come all the way back down and around. If we do this from the front, what you should see is that the arm stays in the same movement plane, so if we are coming back here we rotate, I should be roughly in the same position what is a lot of people with little less healthy shoulders as they start to rotate that shoulder going to come out that way and that would indicate a less than healthy shoulder, means that you should be doing this exercise quite a bit more, so from here, we are going to come forward we are going to bring that arm all the way up until we maximally forward flex from there, I am going to get him to spiral that arm around and then we are going to try our bets to keep it in the same movement plane, as he comes back around. One thing you can do to test yourself if you are standing beside a wall, with your shoulder touching the wall really healthy shoulder, you should be able to clear the entire wall without having to move yourself out the less healthy that shoulder is in this position the more you are going to have to kind of step our and internally rotate with your arm trailing off to the side, something like this will do every morning for a couple repetitions in one direction and in another direction, and we will sequentially do that through our entire body hitting our cervical spine, scapula, our whole thoracic cage and lumbar spine, hips, knees and ankles every morning every day.
视频来源于Google YouTube
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网址: 肩关节 保持健康的 360° 主动旋转锻炼的要领:适合日常无肩痛的朋友 https://www.trfsz.com/newsview856856.html
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