摘要: 通过界定旅游型海岛景观生态健康概念,建立了以压力状态-响应模型为评价模型的旅游型海岛景观生态健康评价体系,确定了理想健康状态值。采用熵权-灰色关联模糊评价法计算评价结果,并根据与理想值的差距程度,将评价结果划分为5个等级。依据评价结果识别旅游型海岛景观生态系统具体的受损情况,及其主要胁迫因子和演化趋势,为生态修复与优化措施提供科学依据。以旅游型海岛典型代表妈祖圣地湄洲岛为案例,在RS与GIS技术支持下,整合其1993、1999、2005、2009年卫星遥感和社会经济统计调查数据,进行了实证研究,研究过程和结果证明了旅游型海岛景观生态健康评价体系与方法是可行的,可为资源环境管理提供依据。
关键词: 径级, 质量损失率, 养分释放
Abstract: By defining the concept of landscape ecological health of tourist islands (LEHTI), a LEHTI evaluation system was established with the model of pressure-stateresponse, and an ideal health state value was determined. In addition, by adopting the methods of entropy weight and gray correlation fuzzy, the evaluation results were calculated and classified into five grades, according to their distances to the ideal value. Based on these results, the specific damage of tourist island landscape ecosystem as well as the main stress factors and the evolution trend behind the damage were identified, which could provide scientific basis for the subsequent ecological restoration and optimizing measures. Taking the representative tourist island of Mazu Holy Land as a case, and with the support of RS and GIS techniques, the satellite remote sensing and socioeconomic survey data of 1993, 1999, 2005, and 2009 were integrated and emonstrated. The process and results of this case study showed that the LEHTI evaluation system and its methods were feasible, and could provide solid basis for resource and environment management.
Key words: diameter size, mass loss rate, nutrient releasing.
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网址: 旅游型海岛景观生态健康评价 https://www.trfsz.com/newsview53801.html
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